Tuesday, 1 December 2015

2016 - A Brand New You or A Massive Improvement of Self…

What Are Your New Year’s Resolutions?

Every beginning of a new year, we are powered up, energised and filled with ideas, plans, goals and objectives of how we really want to take over ourselves, our lives, finances, careers, relationships and even take our spirituality to the next level… and never look back.  But very well and soon at about March of the same year, that drive to actualisation of our sworn-to-achieve resolutions made only in January is completely mollified by many reasons we can’t honestly place our fingers on.  We are already and very quickly back to our old autopilot selves and not only that, we live in silent guilt of being failures to even our own self-prepared goals.  More often than not, and unknowingly, this affects our looks outwardly, shrinks our confidence levels and piles up negativity in our body languages.

So, is having a New Year resolution a bad idea? Certainly not!  Truth be told, sticking to resolutions is not one of the easiest of tasks, in fact, according to a research from the University of Scranton, only 8% of people successfully achieve their resolutions.  Experts even reveal further that it takes about 21 days for a new activity to become a habit and 6 months for it to become part of one’s personality.  So we can safely surmise that lack of patience, tiring out all too quickly plus other factors are the biggest contributors to failed resolutions. 

I would like to share with you, 5 important tips for successfully achieving your resolutions and all of these usually require dedication, sniper focus and self-belief.  Can you do this?  Say your response out so loud.

1.     Make and see your resolution as a journey and not an outcome or destination.
2.     Write it down, keep it simple without complications and make a vision board.
3.   Write down short-term goals for long-term results and build in enticing reward systems for each successful short-term goal accomplished towards the bigger expectations.  Be accountable, be 100 % responsible and no matter what, never pass blame.
4.    Surround yourself with a network of few good friends with similar resolutions as you, talk about it often together and reevaluate yourselves to keep yourself motivated and on course.

5.     Make out time from the beginning and don’t throw in the towel so easily.

You can write to us at BlondeDolly Image Consulting about your New Year resolutions, whatever they are and we can work with you to bringing them to enjoyable and successful accomplishment.
 - services@blondedolly.com

Or drop me a direct message in the contact form at the bottom of this journal page.

Here's to your 2016.  To achieving all your written down resolutions. So help you God.

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