If you listen to The Beat 99.9fm regularly, it is hard not to notice Osi; the witty night time on air personality that once used to dominate our airwaves every weekend and make all those Babcock University and Queens College teenagers drool all over the place and shutdown twitter literally... thanks to his relatively insane topics discussed on air, his flirtatious persona and yea! they say his sexy voice too, Hian. Dude was always trending every week because of his shows and more importantly, his ever fresh, current and banging playlists. Shame he is usually on the morning rush shows now, but hey! that is not why we are here.
So this short black friend of mine just debuted his Vlog - Off Air With Osi - with Pulse Nigeria. Earlier today, I asked him if this was supposed to be the "brother code" reply to what Toke Makinwa is doing currently for the sisters?! You bet his response - his occultist laughter.
Watch the first episode right here, and ladies, it is okay to have Osi's head for soup and the head of any others that are finding it hard to accept that they will never be anything to you other than friends. LoooooooooL.
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